Saturday, December 24, 2011

Senior Project associate (Nanotechnology)at IIT, kanpur

Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
 Applications are invited for the temporary project positions in the Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO) sponsored research project (DIPAS /BSBE/20110112), under project Investigator Mainak Das, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India.
TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of cerium oxide nanoparticles to counter free radical damage in high altitude
POSITION 1. Senior Project Associate: One
POSITION 2. Project Mechanic: One
Master of Science (MSc) in biological sciences/ life Sciences/ zoology/ chemistry and minimum 4-5 years of research experience is must in the following areas (as mentioned below 1-5).
1. Nanoparticle synthesis
2. Carrying out in vitro assays to study the effect of nanoparticles on brain, retinal and spinal cord
neurons exposed to hypobaric-hypoxia
3. Immunocytochemical analysis
4. Training adult CNS neuron cell culture to scientist in DIPAS, Delhi (DRDO)
5. Paper writing and grant writing
The candidate must have prior research publication record in peer reviewed international journals.
POSITION 2: High School + ITI + minimum 5-7 years of relevant experience
1. Technical work in the project includes handing electrical gadgets and mechanical tools
2. Sample collection, delivery and transport to and from different DRDO laboratories situated in Delhi,Gwalior and Leh, Ladakh (J and K)
3. Instrument repairing and maintenance
4. Handling research accounts and maintaining official records of the project
5. Managing day to day laboratory activities
DURATION: Initially for one year and based on the performance extendable by three more years.
SALARY RANGE FOR POSITION 1: 18000-1800-36000/-per month (Consolidated).
SALARY RANGE FOR POSITION 2: 7000-700-14,000/-per month (Consolidated).
Application on plain paper, along with the complete bio- data may be sent to the undersigned by post or e-mail latest by December 28th, 2011.
Mainak Das
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur 208016

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