Sunday, June 03, 2012

Walk-in for JRF post at IARI Regional Station, Pusa, Samastipur

Regional Station, Pusa, Samastipur (Bihar)-848 125
Ph. – 06274-240232 Fax- 06274- 240236
Walk-in Interview for contractual position
NAME OF THE PROJECT: DST Young Scientist fast track project
(Development of diagnostics for detection of Bipolarisoryzae in India by molecular markers and its eco-friendly management).
NAME & NO. OF POSITION: Junior Research Fellow(one)
EMOLUMENTS (FIXED) P.M.: Rs.12000/- + HRA for 1st two years and Rs.14000/- + HRA for 3rd year
ESSENTIAL/ DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: i) Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. in Life Sciences with experiences in Plant Pathology
Desirable: Workingexperience in laboratory in molecular / field techniques of disease diagnosis
DURATION: Three years from the date of financial sanction of the project.
DATE OF INTERVIEW: 27th June 2012 (Wednesday), Time- 10.00 am
Regional Station, Pusa, Samastipur (Bihar)- 848125
1. Maximum age limit for JRF is 35 years for men and 40 years for women and the age is relaxable for SC/ST and OBC candidates as per GOI norms.
2. The above positions will be filled up on contractual basis for the period of the project.
3. The selected candidate(s) shall have no claim for regular appointment(s) at IARI RS Pusa / ICAR as their engagements are contractual and co-terminus with respective Project / Scheme.
4. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview.
5. Candidates appearing for interview should bring Original Documents along with their Bio-data (in the enclosed format), Photograph (PP size) and other related documents in support of qualification, experience, etc.
6. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
7. The decision of the Head of the Station, would be final and binding on all aspects.
For detailed information visit our website

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