Thursday, May 31, 2012

Research Associate Positions in Tomato Functional Genomics and Metabolomics at University of Hyderabad

University of Hyderabad
Research Associate Positions in Tomato Functional Genomics and Metabolomics
At University of Hyderabad, we are having a vibrant group on Tomato Functional Genomics, which is working on TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes), Insertional Mutagenesis, proteomics and fruit ripening in tomato. Some of the current aims of the group include using reverse genetics to isolate tomato mutants delayed in ripening, having high lycopene and folate content in tomato fruits and analysis of light and hormonal signal transduction pathways. For recent publications of the group see (Plant Physiol 156: 1424- 1438; Molecular Plant 3: 854-869; Plant Methods 6: 3; Plant Methods 5:18; Plant Signaling and Behavior 5:11.).
Currently we have following research associate positions available under “Tomato Metabolome Network” (ToMaNet) funded by Dept of Biotechnology under following project entitled “Biofortification of tomato by targeted manipulation of the biosynthetic pathways”under supervision of Prof. R.P. Sharma, at Dept of Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad. The research associate would be offered fellowships of ` 24,000/- pm + HRA. The qualifications for the Research Associate Positions are as follows:
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE I: Applicants should have experience in plant functional genomics, RNAi/VIGS, Next Gen Sequencing preferably in tomato or other crop plants and should be supported by publications. PhD in molecular biology is required.
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE II: Applicants should have experience in identifying natural plant products using NMR and/or Mass spectrometry and should be supported by publications. PhD in Chemistry of Natural Products is required.
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE III: Applicants should have experience in bioinformatics for handling genome sequencing/proteome/metabolite analyses and should be supported by publications. PhD in Bioinformatics is required.
Candidates interested in above positions should send their CV, a statement clearly explaining how their skills are relevant to the position and the name/contact information for three references. The candidates who have submitted their doctoral thesis can also apply, however they would be considered for SRF position (18,000 ` pm + HRA). The candidates can send their application by email at The positions are available immediately and remain open till the suitable candidates for above positions are selected. No TA/DA would be provided for attending the interview.

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