Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bio-CARe Career Re-orientation Fellowship (CRF) fellowship for women(DBT)


Career Re-orientation Fellowship (CRF)

This scheme would be mainly for women scientists who are trained in a particular area, but leave their permanent jobs due to family compulsions / or are employed but would now like to change their career path to take on newer areas. Specialized skills would be essential and this would require training in the relevant fields. Some examples are–
Ø  IP management
Ø  Bioinformatics
Ø  Policy research and analysis
Ø  Translational research
Ø  Regulatory issues for GM crops etc
Ø  Clinical Research Management
Ø  Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Ø  Technology transfer and licensing etc.
Ø  Clinical trial Managemen
This training could be for a period ranging from 3 months -12 months
1.  Eligibility Criteria:

                        (i).        M.D/M. Tech /Ph. D/Equivalent degree in any branch of Life Sciences

                       (ii).        Women scientists who are currently unemployed or are presently working in temporary capacity

                      (iii).      Employed scientist, who are looking for a change in career path

                      (iv).        Women scientists upto the age of 55

2.  Guidelines for Application & Procedure:

(i).     Women Scientists who have a training in a specific area but are keen on taking up employment in another area requiring specialized training should identify a specific area and the required skill sets.

(ii).     The woman scientist should identify a mentor/laboratory where she   
    would like to take up this training.

(iii).  A brief Letter of Intent should be submitted giving her area of specialization and the specific area of training requested. The Letter of Intent should also specify the opportunities for further career development after completion of this training.

(iv).      A Letter from the Mentor/Institute agreeing to provide training for a stipulated time period should accompany the letter.

(v).       On successful completion of the training period a report from the Mentor/institute will be essential. The training can be extended for another 6 months if required based on reports from the Mentor/Institute subjects to a maximum of one year. 

(vi).      On completion of the training or while in training the woman scientist is eligible to apply for R&D Scheme.

   3.    Budget/Stipend:

                    (i).            The women scientists will be provided a stipend of Rs. 25,000/ p.m. (fixed for unemployed) for the training period in addition to the overall training course fee and /or consumables/contingency grant of upto Rs. 1.00 lakhs for 12 months. For training of lesser duration the consumable /contingency grant will be on a prorata basis.

                   (ii).            The working women scientist also will be provided stipend, in case they do not get salary for this period.  

                  (iii).             Working women scientist getting salary would also be entitled for an additional amount of Rs. 5,000/- only.  

For any query contact : Dr. Anamika Gambhir
                                    Principal Scientific Officer
                                    Department of Biotechnology
                                    C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi – 110 003.
                                    Tel: 011-24369612


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