NIFTEM requires a highly competent and committed faculty to build core competencies for imparting state‐of‐the‐art education, facilitating the process of teaching world class professional and technical education in the domain of Food Science & Technology.
POST: Professor
NIFTEM invites applications from serving or retired qualified Indian citizens who could be engaged on Regular /Permanent basis/Visiting Professor/Guest Faculty, etc from serving or retired Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) as well as Non‐Indians who are exceptionally bright and motivated with an established record of independent high quality research and committed to teaching and research for the faculty positions in the Department of:‐
Department | Area of Specialization |
Basic and Applied Science | Chemistry Biochemistry Food Chemistry Physics Microbiology Food Microbiology Computer Science |
Food Business Management & Entrepreneurship Development | Agribusiness Management & Allied Strategy & Management Disciplines Entrepreneurship Development Communication & Language skills |
Food Science & Technology | Technology of Animal Food Technology of Plant Foods Food Science & technology Nutrition Food Enterprise Incubator Food Testing Lab & Toxic ology |
Engineering | Food Engineering Bio‐process Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Engineering Graphics& Workshop Practices Packaging |
Agriculture and Environmental Science | Agriculture Agriculture Extension Environmental Science Energy |
1.An eminent scholar with Ph.D qualification and published work of high quality actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and /or research/ policy papers in indexed/ISBN/ISSN numbered journals and as ISBN/ISSN numbered books.
2.A minimum of 10 years teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in research at the University/National Level institutions, including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
3.Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology‐ dedicated teaching learning process.
4.A satisfactory score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) developed by UGC.
The faculty is expected to exercise a special responsibility in providing leadership and in fostering excellence in research, teaching, professional activities of the Institute like Skill Development for the food processing sector, SME upgradation (Consultancy etc.) and policy development in the academic discipline within the school, faculty and Institute‐wide, and within the community, both scholarly and general.
The faculty is expected to work within both the academic/ research and administrative requirements of the Institute, particularly in support of the Institute’s commitment to make the Institute a world class ‘Center of Excellence’ by adopting global standards in Food Science & Technology Education & Research.
The faculty is expected to‐
· have a doctoral qualification or equivalent accreditation and standing derived from recognized significant experience in the relevant discipline area;
· have a record of demonstrable scholarly and professional achievement in the relevant discipline;
· demonstrate academic excellence through an outstanding contribution to teaching, research and the discipline; and
· be recognized as a leading authority in the relevant discipline area.
The Faculty is expected to provide academic leadership through
· the conduct of research including, where appropriate, leadership of a large research team;
· fostering the research of other groups and individuals both within the discipline and related disciplines;
· supervision of the program of study of courses introduced from time to time and major research projects for incubation;
· development of research policy;
· an ability to promote brand building, through outreach activities leading to tieup with National and International Institutions;
· continuing personal commitment to, and achievement in, a particular scholarly area evidenced by publication in refereed journals, books, performances and other scholarly works, invitations to present keynote addresses at international meetings and to write chapters in international books, election to learned academies and other recognition such as awards, prizes and honorary degrees.
The Faculty is expected to demonstrate an outstanding personal contribution and commitment to high quality teaching and learning through:
the conduct of tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions, Village adoption initiative sessions and Laboratory sessions and the preparation and delivery of lectures and seminars at all levels;
consultation with students;marking and assessment; and Playing an active role in the maintenance of academic standards and in the development of educational policy and of curriculum areas within the discipline including the initiation and development of subject material.
Application Form and Instructions:
The application form can be downloaded from the website.
Please make sure to complete all fields, without leaving any fields blank.
Make sure to clearly mention the name of the position and Department applied for along with the code.
Please send separate application for each Department/Post if applying for more than one. Enclosures have to accompany each application separately.
Application not sent in prescribed format will not be considered.
Please enclose the detailed Academic Profile including the following information:
A.Details of publication/ Conference papers presented listing
Publications/ Presentations giving chronologically: Names of authors, title of the papers, name of the journal/ conference, volume/proceedings, pages(from‐to), year etc. (Group the above separately as referreed National Journals, Refereed International Journals, Unrefereed Journals, presented at National Conferences, presented at International Conferences etc.)
Include only published / inpress / accepted articles / papers. Do not include submitted / under review / consideration articles / papers
B.Awards, Patents, Prizes etc indicating:
Nature, name of prize/award, awarded by, awarded for, year of award
Name of the patent, year and details about the patent, etc.
C.Research guidance (Ph.D./M.S./M.Tech., only those awarded) listing:
Research degree, name of the scholar, title of thesis, year of award, co‐guide,
If any, etc.
D.Role in and details of research / consultancy projects carried out, listing:
Title of the project, duration, sponsor, value, co‐investigators, if any, etc.
E.Other Activities like:
Text books and Monographs written with details,
Continuing education programs / conferences organized (as an organizer or co‐organiser) etc.
F.Any other relevant but brief information on your academic standing.
Enclose full reprints of Five best papers published.
Please send the application form after duly filling up all the fields with relevant enclosures to :
Secretary, NIFTEM Society 3rd Floor, AMDA Building. 7/6 Siri institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi‐110049.
The scale of pay for the post of Professor is 37,400 – 67,000 + AGP of 10,000.
Minimum basic will be fixed as per 6th Pay Commission recommendation of UGC.
The last pay drawn shall however be protected as per extant rules & guidelines.
Advance increments can also be considered in cases of outstanding merit and higher experience. Persons joining on same grade will also be considered for grant of advance increment depending upon their experience.
NO. OF POSTS: 05 (Five): The no. of posts for visiting Professor / Guest professor would be over and above the above mentioned posts.
NIFTEM extends the following support for Professional Advancement of Faculty:
· Faculty shall have full freedom to structure the pedagogy including its delivery within the broad parameters of the programme curriculum and objectives set by the Institute.
· Faculty shall have freedom in research and in the publication of results arising out of research.
· Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) will be followed as per UGC norms.
· Startup Grant upto `20 Lakhs for carrying out research project of 3 years duration. Grant can be enhanced for Experimental Research. Besides, separate substantial grant is earmarked for equipment related to research.
· Reimbursement of membership fee for Professional bodies.
· The Institute encourages exposure of Faculty to the International academic seminars and conferences. Reimbursement of expenses for attending National/ International Conferences as per laid out norms in this regard.
· Facilities for Research and Development activities exist in all the Departments. These are being continuously modernized with contemporary equipment and services. World class facilities also exist for computing.
· The Institute has a well stocked library and e‐ resource Center in a state of the art multi level Central Library.
· NIFTEM extends liberal book grants to the faculty to update their knowledge constantly to keep up global standards of the Institute.
· Publication of academic & research papers in reputed International journals will be duly rewarded with incentives.
· The Institute encourages interaction of the faculty with the Industry and other stakeholders of Food Processing Sector.
ACCOMMODATION: The Institute will provide residential apartments as per entitlement.
Campus will have neighborhood facilities‐ Bank, Post Office, Shopping Center, Food Courts etc.
· Medical Coverage as per rules.
· Provident Fund, Gratuity and Pension benefits as per rules.
· Leave Travel Concession facility.
· Sabbatical leave and other leave as per rules.
· Recreation facilities‐ Gymnasium, Health Club, Sports facilities, amphitheatre etc.
Permanent faculty positions are open to Indian Nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and overseas citizens of India (OCI). Appointment of foreign nationals for fixed period on contract basis is permissible.
Political and security clearance from Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs is necessary in every case for individuals with foreign passports.
Reservation is applicable as per Government of India rules. Necessary certificates must be enclosed with the application form.
Candidates employed in Government and Semi‐Government Organizations, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions must apply through their present employers. If they anticipate unavoidable delay in their applications being forwarded through proper channel, they may submit advance copies of their applications directly to the –
Secretary, NIFTEM Society 3rd Floor, AMDA Building. 7/6 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi‐110049.